GPS navigácia pre flotily zlepšujúca pracovnú efektivitu a bezpečnosť
Pokročilé mapovacie a zrkadlené riešenia pre automobilový priemysel
Knižnice s mapami, výpočtom trás, navigáciou a vyhľadávaním pre vývoj vlastných riešení
Case Studies
From regional general cargo traffic to Germany and Europe - wide freight forwarding business, the ABC Logistik counts in regard to Business…
We are proud to announce that Sygic Truck Navigation just recently reached a new milestone. Our base of professional drivers actively using…
Zabudovaná navigácia býva vo väčšine vozidiel súčasťou pomerne drahých balíkov, zvykne mať obmedzenú platnosť licencie, ponúka zastaraný spôsob ovládania, žiadn…
Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM), app developers, and mobile manufacturers are looking for the best solutions to connect in-vehicle…
More than a year ago, Apple announced that CarPlay is opening its popular built-in display - smartphone connectivity for 3rd party developers.…
Latest release of Sygic Professional Navigation v. 13.9.6. version brings integrated driver scoring with automatic trip recognition. This…
Odteraz môžete používať aplikáciu Sygic GPS Navigation pre Android aj na svojom informačno-zábavnom systéme vozidla. Istým spôsobom je to podobné ak…
Despite improvements in hands-free driving technology, such as voice commands and sleeker integrations for mobile and infotainment…
A slippery road with sharply tilted serpentines lining the Alpine peaks or a long, straight stretch across the US sounds like a dream for…
A rented car and summertime is the perfect combination for traveling around countries, a road trip, and experiencing new adventures. There are…
The newest release 13.9.5 of Sygic Professional Navigation & Sygic Truck Navigation bring to the table advanced Last Mile feature dedicated…
Cutting Google out of your life probably sounds incomprehensible to most people. The ways in which it has spread into the nooks and crannies of…