GPS navigácia pre flotily zlepšujúca pracovnú efektivitu a bezpečnosť
Pokročilé mapovacie a zrkadlené riešenia pre automobilový priemysel
Knižnice s mapami, výpočtom trás, navigáciou a vyhľadávaním pre vývoj vlastných riešení
Konečne je tu leto a všetci už plánujeme zaslúžený oddych pri vode alebo na horách. Cestovanie na dovolenku však môže byť veľmi stresujúce. Vychutnajte s…
Sygic brings another smart feature for Android users. We understand you don’t want to switch on/off your navigation every day. That’s why we dec…
Watch out Android users, we have another excellent feature for you - One Tap Navigation. Navigating has never been easier and faster. You can…
Vyhľadávanie nebolo nikdy jednoduchšie Vieme, ako dôležité je vyhľadať všetko čo najrýchlejšie. Práve preto prinášame do našej aplikácie úplne nové vyhľadávanie…
Route optimization Sygic’s Optimization API can provide optimization for every use case. From a simplest waypoint sequence for one vehicle to a c…
Custom markers Slowly getting there. Launch of Sygic Maps & Navigation SDK is right around the corner and we would like to introduce you…
Part of our upcoming Mobile SDK is also Routing & guidance in iOS or Android apps. Car & Pedestrian routing When it comes to car…
Sygic Directions API is cloud based service that calculates directions from one location to another. The simplest calculation can be done just…
Today we are going to take a look at another great thing about upcoming Sygic Mobile SDK and it is called Full text Autocomplete Search. Full…
As the day of launching Sygic online Maps API is approaching, take a look at a little sneak peek of what is coming up and what is worth not to…
As the day of launching Sygic Mobile SDK is aproaching, take a look at a little sneak peek of what is coming up and what is worth not to miss.…
Every holiday brings us certain amount of joy. You are finally off work and heading out to spend some free time with friends or family. This…