Batch Distance Matrix

Please note Sygic does no longer issue new Sygic Maps API keys. This documentation is for existing customers only. If you wish to include maps & navigation into your project, please refer to Sygic Maps SDK.


Sygic Batch Distance Matrix supports up to 10 000 waypoints at a time. To enable more than 10 000 waypoints, please contact our team.


API Reference

Request authentication is done via parameter key, which must be included in the request URL.


Method Description
POST Initiate batch calculation. Contains JSON data to be processed.
GET Monitor status and retrieve results from the server once processed.


For the full list of supported parameters see Distance Matrix API documentation.

Create batch job

Batch Distance Matrix API is asynchronous, accepts POST request to initiate batch processing and returns URL where result will be found when done.



Content-Type: application/json

Request Body

     "origins": [
    "destinations": [


Response header Location contains URI for polling the execution status and results retrieval.

Status: 202 Accepted

    "status": "OK",
    "copyright": "© 2018 Sygic a.s."

Monitor batch job

Batch job state can be monitored by performing GET operation on the returned URL location.




Status: 200
Retry-After: 1

  "status": "OK|NO_RESULTS",
  "error": {
    "code": "...",
    "message": "..."

Client is expected to perform regular polling on the result url until the job is finished. Client should wait between each try, as advised by Retry-After header value (in seconds).

State Status Description
Waiting NO_RESULTS Request has been accepted and batch job is waiting to be processed.
Running NO_RESULTS Batch job is running.
Finished OK Batch job has succeeded and distance matrix is ready.
Failed NO_RESULTS Batch job has failed to produce result, error object contains further details.

Get batch result

Successfully finished batch job contains calculated distance matrix in response body:


Status: 200

    "origins": [
    "destinations": [
        [    0,  568,    0, 3488, 6444, 4980, 6444 ],
        [  568,    0,  568, 3541, 6497, 4906, 6497 ],
        [    0,  568,    0, 3488, 6444, 4980, 6444 ],
        [ 3936, 3767, 3936,    0, 8802, 9657, 8802 ],
        [ 7169, 7000, 7169, 5085,    0, 4486,    0 ],
        [ 6738, 6490, 6738, 7721, 6649,    0, 6649 ],
        [ 7169, 7000, 7169, 5085,    0, 4486,    0 ]
        [   0,  56,   0, 298, 543, 498, 543 ],
        [  56,   0,  56, 303, 548, 481, 548 ],
        [   0,  56,   0, 298, 543, 498, 543 ],
        [ 301, 284, 301,   0, 561, 746, 561 ],
        [ 593, 577, 593, 322,   0, 389,   0 ],
        [ 648, 624, 648, 684, 586,   0, 586 ],
        [ 593, 577, 593, 322,   0, 389,   0 ]
    "state": "Finished",
    "status": "OK",
    "copyright": "© 2018 Sygic a.s."