Navegação GPS comercial que melhora a eficiência e segurança da frota
Mapeamento avançado e soluções de conectividade automóvel para a indústria automóvel
Bibliotecas com mapas, roteamento, navegação e busca por localização
New Route summary feature in Sygic Professional Navigation allows you to see the details of all waypoints of your itinerary with their…
With limited 3G data plans there are worries, that too many Real Time Traffic information could consume your entire data plan. That is why we…
Fast map error reporting from the navigation is the most requested feature for professional navigation. So we prepared brand new feature that…
The new Sygic Professional Navigation Release 13.6.5. introduces fast map error reporting directly from the navigation, the possibility to…
The World’s leading manufacturer of rugged and enterprise-grade mobile computing products, the Zebra company (NASDAQ: ZBRA), has recognized S…
Sygic Professional Navigation helps to reduce your operating costs. Our offline navigation will reliably guide your drivers even in areas with…
Sygic Professional Navigation extended Sygic Guided routes feature helps to avoid discrepancies between planned and travelled kilometres. This…
Sygic develops industry-leading professional GPS Navigation Systems and dff solutions GmbH is a provider for intelligent mobile computing…
Do not miss a chance to meet members of our dedicated team and try our latest products! Find the schedule of events where you can meet us in the…
Last Sygic Webinar was addressing our integrating partners and turned focus towards integration options of increasingly popular 3D version of…
Case Studies
Last year from June to September,Czech firefighters responded to more than 5000 fire incidents and Sygic Professional Navigation helped them get…
In order to improve professional drivers’ experience Sygic Professional Navigation regularly introduces new features. Here you can find a list o…