Navegação GPS comercial que melhora a eficiência e segurança da frota
Mapeamento avançado e soluções de conectividade automóvel para a indústria automóvel
Bibliotecas com mapas, roteamento, navegação e busca por localização
After a successful year full of many great meetings and gatherings, we are excited to see and visit more places! Here's the schedule of events…
GPS Navigation,Apps
Como você já deve ter notado, migramos do modelo de pagamento único para o de assinatura recorrente em 2021. Sua licença Premium permanente con…
Apps,GPS Navigation
The year has flown by, and we would like to summarize what Sygic GPS Navigation managed during 2022. There have been a lot of new features added…
Business,Case Studies
When you picture a firefighter, what image pops into your head? Of one holding a hose, battling a raging fire, or of one grabbing an axe while…
The worldwide long-haul industry is currently experiencing a significant shortage of truck drivers. In Europe, up to 425,000 truck driver…
After visiting successful conferences such as LogiMAT or SIL Barcelona, we are excited to see more! Here's the schedule of events where you can…
If you want to reach your dream destination without worries or a long detours, don‘t underestimate the search for appropriate caravan n…
Open the app, type in the address, hit navigate and go. That’s exactly how things don’t work when you are behind the wheel of a seventy feet lon…
Drivers worldwide face the threat of record-high fuel prices persisting for weeks as a global oil supply crunch and tensions in Ukraine…
Sygic is pleased to announce a new integration with Advanced Digital Data®, Inc. (ADD Systems®), a leading supplier of back office, mobile, and h…
Unfortunately, due to the COVID-19 outbreak, many events were canceled or postponed over the last two years. However, 2022 looks promising, and…
The announcer of the competition is the company Sygic, a.s. The competition runs from June 15, 2022 to June 26, 2022 until midnight Central…