Navigazione GPS commerciale che migliora l'efficienza e la sicurezza della flotta
Mappatura avanzata e Soluzioni connected car per l'industria automobilistica
Librerie con mappe, pianificazione del percorso, navigazione e ricerca
Tenere il serbatoio dell'auto sempre pieno può costare parecchio. Non a caso, l'auto di proprietà rappresenta la seconda spesa domestica più al…
Il pianificatore di viaggi di Sygic Traver, che ha permesso ad altre imprese di accedere ai suoi dati e agli strumenti informatici a metà del …
Good news Ford drivers, you just found it: Sygic Car Navigation with its beautifully designed 3D offline maps, powerful navigation features and…
Hai difficoltà a liberare spazio sul tuo cellulare? Sappiamo bene quanto sia importante conservare le foto sul proprio dispositivo e avere …
2017 has been a busy year for us at Sygic; we are thrilled that we have managed to bring you many improvements this year. As the year comes to…
Are you still on a lookout for a special Christmas gift? Look no further because now you have the option to get a Lifetime Premium license for…
There are only a few things more frustrating than getting stuck in a traffic jam. Fortunately, there is a simple solution to this problem. …
London, a beautiful city for tourists but a rough jungle for professional lorry drivers. Restrictions here and restrictions there. That's where…
In this blog, we will explain the differences between Sygic GPS Navigation and Sygic Car Navigation. These two navigation apps are very similar…
Early this year Ford announced the adoption of SmartDeviceLink and created the SmartDeviceLink Consortium with four other automakers and several…
Getting to your destination is one thing, but parking your car is another. Until now, you just inserted an address and got navigated. During the…
It's that time of the year again: time to pack your family or friends in the car and hit the open road. Drive with your trusty navigation app…