- Developers
- Professional Navigation for Fleets
- Android
- Firewall Rules & Whitelisting
Firewall Rules & Whitelisting
In case the navigation will be running under “Kiosk mode” or if will be used under some firewall you have to allow connection to the following servers:
Port 443, Port 80 (HTTPS, HTTP)
Product server - license activation:
DNS: productserver.sygic.com
DNS: productserver.api.sygic.com
Online traffic servers:
DNS: traffic-cdn.api.sygic.com
DNS: traffic.api.sygic.com
DNS: traffic2.sygic.com
DNS: sygictraffic2.azureedge.net
DNS: sygictraffic-cdn.azureedge.net
DNS: incidents-cdn.sygic.com
Online speedcams server:
DNS: speedcams.platform.sygic.com
Offline speedcams server:
DNS: cdn-osc.sygic.com
User login servers:
DNS: auth.sygic.com
DNS: sso.sygic.com
DNS: auth.api.sygic.com
Notification server
DNS: notifications.sygic.com
Map updates server:
DNS: cdn.sygic.com
DNS: cdn-sygic.akamaized.net
DNS: ovh-cdn.sygic.com
(*) required only during map update process
Online maps:
DNS: om.sygic.com
Eshop server
DNS: eshop.sygic.com
DNS: checkout.sygic.com
Online fuel prices server:
DNS: fuelproxy.platform.sygic.com
DNS: fuel.platform.sygic.com
Driver´s scoring server:
DNS: driverbehaviorapi.azurewebsites.net
DNS: data.flurry.com
DNS: sygic.api.infinario.com
Error reporting
DNS: maphub.api.here.com
DNS: reports.crashlytics.com
DNS: routing.api.sygic.com
Lifeguard server
DNS: gb-accounts-enduser-gw.api.sygic.com
Non-TTS voices
DNS: sygicnonttsvoices-cdn.azureedge.net
DNS: nonttsvoices-cdn.sygic.com
- Previous article: Supported ABIs by SygicLib