We continuously look at stats about our app usage to see whether we are going always straight towards our customers. Talking about Sygic for truckers and pro drivers, the numbers from this year suggest that Sygic Professional Navigation is getting popular in the community each year and the number of pro drivers using Sygic is going up month by month. In the last months, our Sygic Professional Navigation team has delivered useful features such as on-device optimization, improved traffic rerouting, last mile off-road feature and many more.
“The year 2018 itself proved us again that we maintain a strong position in the navigation segment and telematics. We are continuously trying to set standards in navigation and bring higher and higher added value to our users and telematics partners,” said Martin Strigac, CEO of Sygic.
Enjoy stats!

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Thank you for a great 2018 and we look forward to great cooperation in 2019!