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L.Marker is used to display clickable/draggable icons on the map. Extends Layer.
L.marker([50.5, 30.5]).addTo(map);
Factory | Description |
L.marker(<LatLng> latlng, <Marker options> options?) | Instantiates a Marker object given a geographical point and optionally an options object. |
Option | Type | Default | Descripion |
Icon | Icon | * | Icon instance to use for rendering the marker. See Icon documentation for details on how to customize the marker icon. If not specified, a common instance of L.Icon.Default is used. |
draggable | Boolean | false | Whether the marker is draggable with mouse/touch or not. |
keyboard | Boolean | true | Whether the marker can be tabbed to with a keyboard and clicked by pressing enter. |
title | String | '' | Text for the browser tooltip that appear on marker hover (no tooltip by default). |
alt | String | '' | Text for the alt attribute of the icon image (useful for accessibility). |
zIndexOffset | Number | 0 | By default, marker images zIndex is set automatically based on its latitude. Use this option if you want to put the marker on top of all others (or below), specifying a high value like 1000 (or high negative value, respectively). |
opacity | Number | 1.0 | The opacity of the marker. |
riseOnHover | Boolean | false | If true, the marker will get on top of others when you hover the mouse over it. |
riseOffset | Number | 250 | Text for the browser tooltip that appear on marker hover (no tooltip by default). |
title | String | '' | The z-index offset used for the riseOnHover feature. |
pane | String | 'markerPane' | Map pane where the markers icon will be added. |
bubblingMouseEvents | Boolean | false | When true, a mouse event on this marker will trigger the same event on the map (unless L.DomEvent.stopPropagation is used). |
In addition to shared layer methods like addTo() and remove() and popup methods like bindPopup() you can also use the following methods:
Event | Data | Descripion |
move | Event | Fired when the marker is moved via setLatLng or by dragging. Old and new coordinates are included in event arguments as oldLatLng, latlng. |
Dragging events
Event | Data | Descripion |
dragstart | Event | Fired when the user starts dragging the marker. |
movestart | Event | Fired when the marker starts moving (because of dragging). |
drag | Event | Fired repeatedly while the user drags the marker. |
dragend | DragEndEvent | Fired when the user stops dragging the marker. |
moveend | Event | Fired when the marker stops moving (because of dragging). |
Method | Returns | Descripion |
toGeoJSON() | Object | Returns a GeoJSON representation of the marker (as a GeoJSON Point Feature). |
getLatLng() | LatLng | Returns the current geographical position of the marker. |
setLatLng(<LatLng> latlng) | this | Changes the marker position to the given point. |
setZIndexOffset(<Number> offset) | this | Changes the zIndex offset of the marker. |
setIcon(<Icon> icon) | this | Changes the marker icon. |
setOpacity(<Number> opacity) | this | Changes the opacity of the marker. |
Tooltip methods inherited from Layer
Method | Returns | Descripion |
bindTooltip(<String|HTMLElement|Function|Tooltip> content, <Tooltip options> options?) | this | Binds a tooltip to the layer with the passed content and sets up the necessary event listeners. If a Function is passed it will receive the layer as the first argument and should return a String or HTMLElement. |
unbindTooltip() | this | Removes the tooltip previously bound with bindTooltip. |
openTooltip(<LatLng options> latlng?) | this | Opens the bound tooltip at the specificed latlng or at the default tooltip anchor if no latlng is passed. |
closeTooltip() | this | Closes the tooltip bound to this layer if it is open. |
toggleTooltip() | this | Opens or closes the tooltip bound to this layer depending on its current state. |
isTooltipOpen() | boolean | Returns true if the tooltip bound to this layer is currently open. |
setTooltipContent(<String|HTMLElement|Tooltipoptions> content) | this | Sets the content of the tooltip bound to this layer. |
getTooltip() | Tooltip | Returns the tooltip bound to this layer. |
Interaction handlers
Interaction handlers are properties of a marker instance that allow you to control interaction behavior in runtime, enabling or disabling certain features such as dragging (see Handler methods). Example:
Property | Type | Descripion |
dragging | Handler | Marker dragging handler (by both mouse and touch). Only valid when the marker is on the map (Otherwise set marker.options.draggable). |
Used to open popups in certain places of the map. Use Map.openPopup to open popups while making sure that only one popup is open at one time (recommended for usability), or use Map.addLayer to open as many as you want.
If you want to just bind a popup to marker click and then open it, it's really easy:
Path overlays like polylines also have a bindPopup method. Here's a more complicated way to open a popup on a map:
var popup = L.popup()
.setContent('<p>Hello world!<br />This is a nice popup.</p>')
Factory | Description |
L.popup (<Popup options> options?,<Layer> source?) | Instantiates a Popup object given an optional options object that describes its appearance and location and an optional source object that is used to tag the popup with a reference to the Layer to which it refers. |
Option | Type | Default | Descripion |
maxWidth | Number | 300 | Max width of the popup, in pixels. |
minWidth | Number | 50 | Min width of the popup, in pixels. |
maxHeight | Number | null | If set, creates a scrollable container of the given height inside a popup if its content exceeds it. |
autoPan | Boolean | true | Set it to false if you don't want the map to do panning animation to fit the opened popup. |
autoPanPaddingTopLeft | Point | null | The margin between the popup and the top left corner of the map view after autopanning was performed. |
autoPanPaddingBottomRight | Point | null | The margin between the popup and the bottom right corner of the map view after autopanning was performed. |
autoPanPaddingBottomRight | Point | null | The margin between the popup and the bottom right corner of the map view after autopanning was performed. |
autoPanPadding | Point | Point(5, 5) | Equivalent of setting both top left and bottom right autopan padding to the same value. |
keepInView | Boolean | false | Set it to true if you want to prevent users from panning the popup off of the screen while it is open. |
closeButton | Boolean | true | Controls the presence of a close button in the popup. |
autoClose | Boolean | true | Set it to false if you want to override the default behavior of the popup closing when another popup is opened. |
closeOnClick | Boolean | * | Set it if you want to override the default behavior of the popup closing when user clicks on the map. Defaults to the map's closePopupOnClick option. |
className | String | '' | A custom CSS class name to assign to the popup. |
Method | Returns | Description |
getLatLng() | LatLng | Returns the geographical point of popup. |
setLatLng( |
this | Sets the geographical point where the popup will open. |
getContent() | String|HTMLElement | Returns the content of the popup. |
setContent(<String|HTMLElement|Function> htmlContent) | this | Sets the HTML content of the popup. If a function is passed the source layer will be passed to the function. The function should return a String or HTMLElement to be used in the popup. |
getElement() | String|HTMLElement | Alias for getContent() |
update() | null | Updates the popup content, layout and position. Useful for updating the popup after something inside changed, e.g. image loaded. |
isOpen() | Boolean | Returns true when the popup is visible on the map. |
bringToFront() | this | Brings this popup in front of other popups (in the same map pane). |
bringToBack() | this | Brings this popup to the back of other popups (in the same map pane). |
openOn(<Map> map) | this | Adds the popup to the map and closes the previous one. The same as map.openPopup(popup). |
Used to display small texts on top of map layers.
marker.bindTooltip("my tooltip text").openTooltip();
Note about tooltip offset. Leaflet takes two options in consideration for computing tooltip offseting:
- the offset Tooltip option: it defaults to [0, 0], and it's specific to one tooltip. Add a positive x offset to move the tooltip to the right, and a positive y offset to move it to the bottom. Negatives will move to the left and top.
- the tooltipAnchor Icon option: this will only be considered for Marker. You should adapt this value if you use a custom icon.
Factory | Description |
L.tooltip(<Tooltip options> options?, <Layer> source?) | Instantiates a Tooltip object given an optional options object that describes its appearance and location and an optional source object that is used to tag the tooltip with a reference to the Layer to which it refers. |
Option | Type | Default | Descripion |
pane | String | 'tooltipPane' | Map pane where the tooltip will be added. |
offset | Point | Point(0, 0) | Optional offset of the tooltip position. |
direction | String | 'auto' | Direction where to open the tooltip. Possible values are: right, left, top, bottom, center, auto. auto will dynamicaly switch between right and left according to the tooltip position on the map. |
permanent | Boolean | false | Whether to open the tooltip permanently or only on mouseover. |
sticky | Boolean | false | If true, the tooltip will follow the mouse instead of being fixed at the feature center. |
interactive | Boolean | false | If true, the tooltip will listen to the feature events. |
opacity | Number | 0.9 | Tooltip container opacity. |
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