Application Development
Top developers with the highest expertise
in their respective fields for your projects

Why develop apps with Sygic?
Sygic core technology
Modular cross-platform, location-based apps development.
Agile approach
Teams working like clockwork at the highest efficiency rate.
Quality code
Each project is developed using the “test-driven development” method.
Apps & Cloud
Sygic developers are skilled and successful in making location-based mobile apps and cloud-based solutions. Sygic software architecture is flexible enough to allow developers to promptly meet your specific requirements and customizations.

Big Data
We have experience with analyzing tens of terabytes of data to provide valuable insights, e.g. discovering traffic patterns using massively scalable and parallelizable big
data technologies like Hadoop, Spark and Data Lake Analytics.

Machine Learning & AI
To stay truly ahead of the pack, you need to predict the most likely future outcomes based on the collected data and take appropriate actions. Combining our unique expertise in location-based services and machine learning we can help you deliver location intelligence solutions utilizing Deep Learning techniques and Tensor Flow technology, among others.

Connected Cars
As the widely recognized provider of car connectivity apps, Sygic will help your users bring a personalized user experience into their vehicle. Our apps are compatible with all major connected car standards: CarPlay, MirrorLink®, InControl™, Honda Display Audio, SDL SYNC3 AppLink and others.

We use the SCRUM methodology to maintain an agile approach to get the development up and running, ensuring that the team dedicated to the project is working like clockwork at the highest efficiency rate.

Each project is developed using the “test-driven development” method. All testing processes are managed by a dedicated quality assurance manager to maintain the highest quality standards.

Cyber Security
We identify security vulnerabilities in our applications and infrastructure. We do so with real-life testing led by experienced ethical hackers.
- Real-life testing by experienced ethical hackers
- Extensive skillset to protect the sensitive data of your customers
- GDPR compliant

Augmented Reality
Using the smartphone camera, we are able to stream 3D navigation instructions over the real-world view. With Sygic APIs it is also possible to integrate the navigation instructions on external HUD/AR displays.

Complimentary Services
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