Sending jobs and routes to drivers
While using Sygic SDK for professional navigation, drivers can be automatically navigated to a single destination, series of stops, or exact route.
The route can be planned in advance and new waypoints can be added to the existing itinerary any time. The driver can see the entire route with ETAs for each stop.
Automatic setting of vehicle parameters
Sygic SDK for Professional Navigation enables the setting of the vehicle dimensions and truck-related road attributes in order to avoid roads that are forbidden for specific trucks or cargos.
Communicate with the driver
The Sygic API supports calls which enable flash messages to be sent to the navigation screen, convert text messages to speech, and display important messages that a driver is able to confirm by having them read.
It is possible to display certain information to a driver and show him or her the place on the map connected with this information.
Add content to an existing map
The Geometry File (GF) enables the drawing of custom lines on the map such as pipelines, power lines, or networks. The lines can vary in color, width and transparency.
Geofence RAD file enables dispatchers to define specific areas that enforce certain behaviors from drivers (avoid area, reduce speed, drive cautiously). The dispatcher receives messages when drivers enter or leave those areas or when they exceed the custom set speed limit.
Route JSON file supports route planning for fleets where drivers have to follow the same route repeatedly or must follow exact routes sent by a dispatcher.
Icons/Pictures on the map may provide visual help to drivers. For example, they can be used by firemen to visualize hydrant locations.
Configuration and Setup
Sygic navigation allows customizations to some extent through configuration files:
- Customization of application settings (settings.ini, menu.ini, keymap.ini)
- Determination of device identifications for licensing
- Preparation of full installation package
- Adaptation to hardware controllers
Mass activation
Sygic Professional Navigation offers different options for the mass activation of purchased licenses. Based on the project requirements and type of software you can choose among online, offline or even manual activation.
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