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Change Log
8.0.0 (2019-02-07)
- Core: Initialize sdk optional settings via json configuration string. To migrate your project, please replace PoiDataProvider settings with json key MapReaderSettings:startup_poi_provider. Values (SygicPoi, SygicPlaces)
- Android: Setting of data provider is done by json now and public interface methods were deleted
- iOS: Some SYRoutingError enum values have been removed
- Routing: Old error messages are not compatible with the new ones. New errors can be found in enum ERouteManagerError.
Bug Fixes
- AllBuilds: add missing case to swtich
- AllBuilds: add missing template keyword in template template fnc call
- Android: add proguard rule to keep LogConnector methods
- Android: build fix class to struct
- Android: fix enum test checking non-existing value
- Android: make UiObject skip draw when detached
- Android: missing RoadType.All annotation
- Android: mske MapDownload waits till sdk context is ready to avoid calling functions before
- Core: add support for empty registrator (clang)
- Core: Change log level for http log
- Core: clean install check - dont restore installedpackages.xml
- Core: fix context propagation in wheall
- Core: fix value getter for string type traits
- Core: Library::Async() store future context
- Core: Map update detection
- Core: Map update detection - cs maps iso code fixes
- Core: Move default logger construction to CLogManager::Initialize method
- Core: online map deadlock
- Core: priority offset correction
- Core: restore installedpackages.xml from server - need to check server performance
- Core: Synchronous sdk initialization and asynchronous authentication
- Core: Synchronous sdk initialization and asynchronous authentication
- Map: Logistic attributes visualization restricted only for truck vehicle types
- Navigation: fix android interface
- Routing: Console controller should now determine correct delay at waypoints.
- Routing: Offline transport truck routes should now take less time to calculate.
- Routing: Route should no longer do unpredictable u-turns.
- Routing: Routing should no longer produce detours on Polish borders.
- Routing: Routing should no longer throw unreachable target on random routes.
- Routing: wait for active jobs in deinitialization
- Travelbook: fix jni method call
- Android: connect diagnostics logs to LogConnector
- Android: load sdk configuration from json file
- Core: add custom executor to map modul
- Core: add log output to cpp interface
- Core: Audio decoding and playing moved to common thread pool
- Core: define new log level for procedure call logs
- Core: define priority for whole continuation graph
- Core: executors concept
- Core: fnc call logger
- Core: future unwrapping in Library::Async
- Core: Logging configuration is part of global configuration json file
- Core: NMEA log uploader
- Core: Optional configuration
- Core: redesigned default library sync context without dependencies to threadpool manager
- Core: sync executor for route compute
- iOS: Add [SYContext initWithConfiguration:completion:] method to initialize Sygic Maps SDK with advanced configuration parameters.
- Map: area reader priority support
- Map: custom executor for map modul
- Map: prioritize roads
- Map: Street labels are no longer permitted to extend road segment
- Routing: Enhancement of graph traversing algorithm.
- Routing: load brief JSON from ITF file
- Searc: Modify tokenization cost
- Search: Discount result score when matching only token prefix
- Search: Modify search result score to accomodate for tokenization error
- Search: Prevent search from stopping prematurely on most probable token results
- Search: Register search interface calls
- Search: Restrict short search requests to search only locally for certain types
Performance Improvements
- Map: inlined offline poi reader
Migration Guide
Starting 8.0.0 configuration capabilities were vastly improved by adding a configuration file to the SDK initialization method.
To understand how to include configuration file in your project read Json Configuration documentation.
Many aspects of SDK are now open to the configuration, full list of options is available here.
- Previous article: 8.1.0