Get Road Info

Road info is a cloud based service that provides various information about the selected road or road segments.


Road info is a cloud based service that provides various information about the selected road or road segments. Data returned by Road info API are ready to visualize on the web using Leaflet. Data such as road class, if road is a toll road, restricted for trucks, speed limit or speed profile help to create powerful statistics real time or post route.


Request authorization is done via parameter key which must be included in the request URL.

API reference

Request Road info

Parameter Data type Values Description
lat string {latitude} Location latitude.
lng string {longitude} Location longitude
key string Your API key.
time integer Time used to determine truck related attributes. You can specify the time as an integer in seconds since midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC. Default: current UTC time

Example request


  "lat": 48.15021,
  "lng": 17.12543,
  "speed_profile": 1,
  "has_general_tolls": false,
  "speed_limit": 50,
  "unpaved_road": false,
  "is_general_hazard_restricted": false,
  "is_water_hazard_restricted": false,
  "tunnel_adr": -1,
  "has_truck_tolls": false,
  "polyline": "al{dHsyogBhCl@"