360° Travel Videos for Your Business

2 min read

Virtual Reality (VR) has made its way to many fields. Companies in the gaming industry, mechanical engineering, medicine or travel are using VR both for B2B and B2C purposes. And there’s a reason why. Compared to ordinary videos and photos, 360° videos provide a much deeper experience and thus generate more income for companies.

Sygic is aware of the benefits of VR. The Sygic GPS Navigation makes use of augmented reality (AR) and VR videos are available in the Sygic Travel apps and the web-based Sygic Maps. These videos are now available to other companies as stock footage for licensing.

Examples of using VR in travel & tourism

1. Adopt the “try before you buy” approach
Travel agencies, hotels or flight ticket sellers can use virtual reality to inspire their customers and help them choose a holiday package, accommodation or their destination easily.

2. Reach out to new target groups
Show the world to people for whom traveling is difficult. Help seniors afraid to travel far or people with disabilities discover amazing places.

3. Promote a country or a region
VR is an excellent way of showing people the most beautiful places on Earth. Official national and regional tourist boards as well as local infopoints can use it to promote what their country, region or city has to offer.

4. Support education
VR and education make a great match. 360° videos come in handy for various training courses, schools of tourism and geography classes alike.

5. Give your products a facelift
Make your product more attractive. VR videos are great for travel magazines, professional websites but also for various mobile applications and virtual reality movie theatres.

Sygic offers more than 3,000 VR videos of the most popular tourist attractions from the whole world and 50 VR videos summarising the top attractions to see in particular cities. People can watch them using a VR headset like Oculus Rift, HTC Vive or Sony PlayStation VR, headsets for a smartphone like Google Cardboard or Samsung Gear VR, or simply on a tablet or a smartphone.


For more information, please contact us using this form or email us at business@sygictravel.com.

Written by SV