Introducing the enhanced Cockpit feature

1 min read

We have another exciting app update for you. We are releasing the improved Cockpit feature, and we are bringing it to Android. Cockpit is now available for both, iOS and Android users of Sygic GPS Navigation.

Cockpit is an Add-on feature that gives you detailed information about your driving. Cockpit measures your G force and your actual speed to help you drive more efficiently.

If you would like to have more data about your car’s performance, get Cockpit and stay informed about your:

  • Acceleration (G-force)
  • Incline
  • Altitude
  • Speed (km/h or mph)
  • Cardinal direction (compass)
  • Navigation instructions and speed limits*

Find out more about this feature here and watch the video below to see how it works on some snowy, hilly roads.

Cockpit is available in Sygic GPS Navigation for iOS, version 17.7.0 or higher and in Sygic GPS Navigation for Android, version 17.7.0 or higher. Find out how to use Cockpit here.

Visit our e-shop or Sygic Store on your device to check out our latest offers.

*Please note that you will see the navigation instructions in Incline mode and speed limits only if you have a Premium license.

Written by Dominika Majchrakova